Monday, December 7, 2015

China to become one of the biggest Automated manufacturers by 2018
Along with huge steps in automation within their companies, such as purchasing 230,000 robots to be used on factory lines, China is also leading the way by producing the most clean and efficient cars in the market. They will become the world-wide leader in the electronic car market within the next 3 years and will continue to innovate and pave the way to a better future, but will not help with the smog.

Beijing issues first red alert for smog
In a first ever move my any major Chinese city Beijing has enacted a red alert and shut down its city until the smog clears up. The smog is thick within the city as it is one of the major industrial powerhouses within China which causes the air to be filled with almost opaque grey smoke that covers the city in a gloomy haze.

Muslim Sunni's launch anti-extremism Campaign
After all the terrorists attack plaguing the world a group of a Muslim subsidiary the Sunni's are launching a campaign to stop extremist movements within their religion. This will hopefully lead to Americans and the rest of the world to view Muslims as a religion like anyone else and not just a religion based off of the fanatical hate of a few members within their huge religion.

Rebuilding the environment in Africa

Germany and the world bank have announced funding to support the re-supplementation of over 100 hectares of forest within Africa. 10 small countries in Africa roughly twice the size of France are joining forces in order to rebuild. Hopefully this money will actually get used to create new jobs in rebuilding the environment and is not going to be funneled into the corrupt outlets laden throughout Africa. As long as they can make sure the money gets put towards the project the future is looking green for Africa.

Canadian Judges Views on Marijuana Laws
Canada  became the first G7 nation to legalize marijuana this past week and is thus forging the path into a future where drugs may be used for recreational and medicinal purposes by all those who need it. Prior to the legalization a Canadian judge fined a man $1 for housing and manufacturing 30 marijuana plants. Calling the laws obsolete and outdated he slammed all countries but especially Canada for what he called a very inane and petty crime, if any at all.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Largest Protests in South Korea Since 2008

"People are angry with President Park Geun-Hye for a variety of reasons. -Starting in 2017, the government will only allow middle and high schools to use a single government written history textbook. People are worried that her father's history will be white washed and paint that the militarist dictatorship was fine. That it was ok to take away democratic rights. -People are angry that policies are being pushed by the president where it makes it easier to fire people and take away worker's rights. Also, policies that only benefit the rich. -Graduated college students have a high unemployment rate. About 410,000 youth in their 20s are currently unemployed. (total population of South Korea stands at about 50 million). -Farmers are angry about the falling price of rice. -People are also angry that she leaves the country every time there is a protest. She lacks action when it comes to national events such as a Sewol Ferry disaster."

Friday, November 13, 2015

Germany Government

1/4. Two main political parties are CDU (Christlich-Demokratische Union Deutschlands or Christian Democratic Union of Germany) is Germany's main conservative party and SPD (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands or Social Democratic Party of Germany) grew out of the 19th-century labour movement and was originally a Marxist party.
2. Federal parliamentary republic,federal legislative power lying with the Bundestag (German Parliament) and the Bundesrat  (a federal council representing Germany's 16 länder or federal states).
The Head of State, the Bundespräsident, elected every 5 years by the Bundestag and state delegates, has a largely ceremonial role. Yes The Bundeskanzler (Chancellor) is the Head of Government, elected by and responsible to the Bundestag usually for a four-year term, is almost always the leader of the largest party.  Federal republic.
3.Around 11 parties.
5. All these parties,11, are officially recognized.
6.The main two premises the parties are based off are economic and social issues.
7.The federal chancellor is the only member of the federal government to be elected. The constitution empowers him to personally choose his ministers, who head the most important political authorities. Moreover it is the Chancellor who determines the number of ministries and their responsibilities. It is he who lays down the guidelines of government policy. These outline the Chancellor’s right to stipulate binding government activities. This authority gives the federal chancellor  a whole array of instruments of leadership that easily stands up to a comparison with the power of the President in a presidential democracy.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Justin Trudeau sworn in as new Canada prime minister
The new PM of Canada has finally left and a new one has been sworn in. Already taking drastic steps around the world front Trudeau is looking to keep Canada on a path to economic expansion while drawing down its unnecessary conflicts by removing planes and fighters from the middle east.

Romanian PM Ponta quits after street protests
After many days and nights of protesting all around Romania, the prime minister Ponta is resigning. After hearing of possible corruption within the government and mostly attributed to Ponta Romanians began their protesting and have kept a firm stance on the matter, and as you can see it has clearly paid off.

Cuba's Innovative Biotechnology Attracts Global Attention
As Cubas relationship with the United States has grown stronger they are more willing to share the innovative technologies that allowed them to grow more food without destroying their limited land and resources. In a worlds fair Cuba will be showcasing the many ways they utilized technology to keep a sustainable ecosystem for their people.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Sweden to become world’s first fossil-fuel free nation by 2050

Sweden has plans to become the first nation in the world to be completely emission free over a period of 35 years. They have already taken steps to make this dream a reality and in the last two years 2/3rds of their energy is fro a clean renewable resource.

Vote Taken By EU To Absolve All Of Snowdens Crimes.

The EU has recognized that surveillance is still a large problem within their countries and are taking steps to combat it. In a landmark decision the EU governments have voted 342 to 274 to absolve Edward Snowden of all crime she has committed and grant him protection.

Monday, November 2, 2015

The Man Behind The Mosque

1.       Assume that the documentary, The Man Behind the Mosque, provided an accurate and research-based perspective on how the “Ground Zero Mosque” became a story. Based on what you saw there, what steps can you remember the cable-news media covering the story taking to investigate who was actually behind the Mosque in terms of mission, goals, and funding?
They went into why the estate was bought up and the different viewpoints of the owners. They dug into peoples backstories and made up different stories about their lives and carved them into an  image they saw fit.

2.       Who brought the story of the “Ground Zero Mosque” to Fox News, the station that broke the story and led coverage of the story?
The couple that was against the islamization of america.

3.       It can be argued that much of the cable news coverage of the story was just that – coverage of a “story,” and how people felt about this “story,” rather than actual reporting.  Explain how we can see this at work
They just involved people that were on polar sides of the issue and had them debate their respective parts, and from those they derived their twisted stories.

4.       The journalists of Frontline included coverage of and interviews with the staff of Park 51 (the NYU grad and a couple other part-timers).  Do these individuals appear ever to have been interviewed on cable-news?
No they did not appear to ever have been on television before.

5.       What sources did Cable news appear to rely on for knowledge and expertise about Islam?  How credible did you find these sources?  Why?
I forgot who they were but i remember thinking that their views were not totally unbiased.
6.       How relevant is the ownership of a media source for understanding its goals and how its goals may shape bias in its coverage?  
Very relevant as it wants to please its regular viewers with material they are sued to watching.

7.       Who was, at the time of the Ground Zero Mosque story, the second largest shareholder in the News Corp?
The Saudi arabian prince.

8.       If you bring up the topic of the Ground Zero mosque today, many people might say something like, “Oh yeah . . . What ever happened to that?”  Think about it:  Given the level of urgency that was attached to the story, why did cable news just stop covering the story of the Mosque at Ground Zero?
Since it was bringing too much real pressure on their networks. Also other news stories came up that made more sense for the channels to show to their viewer base.
9.       Read about what polls reveal about Americans and their views on Islam.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Intro To Media

1.     .  List as many types (example:  TV) of media as you can think of. 
Internet, magazines, TV, audiobooks, radio, newspapers.
2.    .   Investigate ownership of the media in the US.  Find an article or chart that will allow you to identify the corporations that actually own mainstream media outlets like ESPN, Disney, FoxNews, CNN, NBC, Etc.,  Write down what you find.

C-SPAN owned by National Cable Satellite Corporation-owned by

Rob Kennedy 

3.     .  Find a list that identifies universities with what are considered the top programs for journalism.  Pick anyone you like, and then go to the website to investigate that school’s journalism program, as if you were a prospective student.  What can you learn about the professional values, standards, and practices associated with professional journalism?  (Write it down)

Stanford School of Journalism. Need to be able to turn real data into enthralling stories/Build up a myriad of sources for your story/Be able to use multimedia tools to tell as story.

4.      . Historically, the media in the United States has often been viewed as playing the role of “watchdog.”  Do research to understand the watchdog role of the media so that you can answer these questions:  Who is being watched?  Who is being protected?  And from what?

They are watching places where if the public found out about something they would demand changes ie the food industry. It protects the public from possible harms to them and the nation.

5.      . What have you heard about “liberal bias”?  (Don’t do research for this one – just write down what you have heard about this phrase.  If you have never heard this phrase before, say so, and then explain what you think it might mean.)

Never heard it. Could mean the bias between main ideals of the American culture.

Americans And TV News
Interesting Facts:
-Local news reaches more viewers.
-While more people tune into local news networks cable viewers spend the most amount of time watching their network on average.
-All of this data was collected in a month so it could fluctuate and require more research.
-More than half of people that watch Fox and MSNBC also tune into CNN.
-Most people only tune into cable for an average of 25 minutes a day.(need real news on constantly than)
-Over 58% of adults watch local and network news,
-Disparity between news viewing on different platforms.
-The greatest overlap occurs between local and network newscasts, which often are on the same channel.
-Their are surprisingly heavy crossovers from the viewing of all 3 networks.
-Same crossover happens online but to a smaller percentage of adults across the board.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

China to invest $78 bn to build 110 nuclear power plants by 2030, will overtake US
As China continues to improve infrastructure as well as other technologies they will begin building a myriad of nuclear power plants in their country within the next two decades and pass the United States. They said they will continue to improve upon their natural harvesting methods for energy but will need the power plants in order to meet the growing demands of their escalating middle class.

Israelis and Palestinians march together in Jerusalem solidarity rally
As tensions continue to rise within Israel between the Jewish and Palestinian people over 700 people marched in protest against the violence occurring throughout their country. People from Tel-Aviv and Haifa led the protest vying for an end to the violence.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Israeli Soldier Stabbed,7340,L-4712227,00.html
Tensions are escalating in Israel as more reports of Palestinian violence spread across numerous new networks. These past few weeks have been filled with vivid reports of the turmoil and fighting that has taken the lives of 8, and wounded 50 more.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

NASA confirms there were lakes on Mars 2-3 Billion years ago
As NASA confirms that there were lakes on mars the excitement has been stewing within the public. Just days after their announcement of flowing water on the red planet they bring evidence to the table suggesting that not only is there flowing water but there were huge lakes that encompassed some parts of the Mars surface.

China warns against Russia and United States fighting proxy war against Syria.
China has warned Russia and America that being involved in a proxy war in Syria would cost too many more innocent Syrian lives. They believe that solving the matter through tough political regimens will resolve the matter. Russia began its air campaign in Syria on Sept. 30, helping support Assad and his embattled troops at a critical point in the fighting.
Russia insists it is targeting the Islamic State group and other “terrorists.” But Syrian rebels and opposition activists say Moscow’s warplanes in recent days have focused on U.S.-backed rebels in areas with no IS militants.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

House Freedom Caucus
The House Caucus is splitting the GOP in half as they struggle to elect a new house speaker from within their struggling party. While this site is clearly pro Freedom Caucus stating how they have the skills we need in order to lead or eventually lead the Republican party out of this stagnant trough they are in. While other Republicans view them as a force their just to disrupt and put who they want into power.

Speaker Of The House

 1.       What does the Constitution have to say about the job of Speaker of the House?"The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker..." Article 1 Section2
2..       The Constitution has nothing to say about parties – yet parties are the basis for organizing leadership in Congress.  Read about Congressional leadership here.  List the leadership roles that exist in each house of Congress – along with a brief description of each job.The Majority and Minority,Speaker of the House(Presides over precedings, influences bills and community assignments), Majority Leader(plan the parties legislative program), Minority Leader(Does not do much).
3..       What would have to happen for the Speaker of the House to become the President?The president and vice president would have to die in order for the speaker to become the president.
4.       Who was the longest-serving Speaker in history?.Samuel Rayburn 17 years.
5.Who was the first woman to serve as Speaker of the House? 
 Nancy Pelosi Democrat January 4th 2007.
6.When did Newt Gingrich serve as Speaker? 
 1955-1999 is when Newt Gingrich served as speaker of the house, the republican revolution and married 3 times, resign for ethics violation.
7..       Who just resigned as Speaker of the House?  How long had he been serving as Speaker, and why is he quitting now?  (Find a news article that analyzes this question.)John Boehner just resigned 25th of September he was in the house since 2011.
8.       Who was considered to be a likely successor?  Why is that no longer the case?.Kevin Mccarthy,dropped his speaker bid
9..       Why do many Republicans in Congress hope Paul Ryan will enter the race for speaker?  What is the latest news on whether or not he is likely to do so?They believe ryan is the complete package and that he needs to "take one for the team" and become the speaker of the house. He is going back to his home in Wisconsin to consider this job and the opportunities
10.       What committee does Paul Ryan currently chair?  What is this committee responsibility?  Visit it’s website to learn about it..Powerful chairman of the house ways and means committee that is responsible for the taxes and government spending.
11.What a congressional committee? How many are there?Committees decide which bills and resolutions move forward to consideration by the House or Senate as a whole. Committee chairmen have enormous influence over this process. 43 house and senate committees.
12..       What are some of the reasons he may choose NOT to take the job?Paul Ryan has built his career on the idea that he can lead Republicans to the fiscal promised land of limited government by rewriting the country’s tax code and overhauling entitlement programs he contends are drowning the nation in debt.
13..       What would you do if you were in his position?  What would be the best reasons for taking the job?  Or for avoiding it?Not be the speaker, need to avoid it in order to influence smaller parts of the government, for it in order to heavily influence all people.
14..       The Speaker of the House is an important position – but is it a stepping stone to the White House?  Has a former Speaker ever risen to the presidency? 
 Yes James K polk of Tennessee.It could be considered a stepping stone but really isnt.
15.       What is a congressional caucus?  How many are there?  How are caucuses different from committees?The democratic meetings.congressional caucus is a group of members of the United StatesCongress that meets to pursue common legislative objectives. There are over 100.
16.       What is the House Freedom Caucus?  What role is it playing in the current struggle over leadership?  What kind of speaker do they want?
 ."The House Freedom Caucus is a congressional caucus consisting of conservative Republican members of the United States House of Representatives."It has maneuvered around the government and breathed new life into the GOP whilst giving a differing opinion that will influence them heavily. Leaders with a fresh perspective of the government.

Friday, October 2, 2015

1st Quarter Reflection

Learning about the constitution and the founders involvement was new and interesting to me. Especially when they used ideas from around the world in order to draft a constitution that would aid in the betterment of America. Also learning about the origins of the government through the constitution and all of the amendments affiliated with it. I will also never forget about the bill of rights and the articles of confederucci, as I had to make projects relating to those. Going forward I want to try and do better on the tests and participating in class and making sure I work on school work awhile before its due.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Criminal probe opened into Volkswagen, stock plunges
Stock for the German car-making company have plunged after  a probe was launched into the investigation of them rigging 482,000 cars to beat emission tests. There can possibly be up to tow class action lawsuits against Volkswagen within the next two years.

Peanut Pathogens\
A federal judge has sentences 61 year old peanut company executive Stewart Parnell to 28 years in prison as he allowed a shipment he knew was plagued with Salmonella to be shipped and sold to consumers living in the Unites States.

Amid refugee crisis, U.S.-led war on Islamic State escalating
As the crisis is reaching a peak, the western governments are reaching a consensus to redouble their efforts in an attempt to destroy the so called "Islamic State". As the fighting within Syria has become bloodier and bloodier westerners are being pushed into action in order to combat this.

Saudi Arabia Sentences Young Activist To Die By Crucifixion

The newly appointed head of UN humanities, Saudi Arabia, is about to crucify and behead a 21 year old because of "illegally Protesting" the government. He is targeted as his uncle is an active skeptic of the Saudi Arabian government and therefore his nephew will pay the price for simply speaking his mind against the tyrannical government that resides over them.

Republicans to break rank with party leaders in call for climate change action

 Almost a dozen members of the Republican party have broken ranks and finally acknowledged that human activities are effecting climate change. This little tussle within the party is happening weeks before the pope comes to DC to visit. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Colorado Just Became the First State Ever to Generate More Taxes from Marijuana than Alcohol

As the legalization of Marijuana has boomed the taxes raked in by Colorado has surpassed those of alcohol marking a huge shift in the economics of recreational narcotics. Colorado collected over $70 million in taxes while alcohol only raked in $42 million. This discovery will impact how othr states view this type of substance and may change the minds of  a few and spark a revolt for recreational drugs among all states in the Unite Staes of America.

Jeb Bush's Tax Cuts

A new study has shown that more than 53% of Jeb's tax cuts would be for the upper 1% of Americans and big corporations, thus challenging his talks about wanting to help the lower and middle class.

Australian Cartoon On The Refugee Crisis
This cartoon depict show the European nations are all running in the water to save the Syrians whilst the larger nation, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Qatar sit around doing nothing to aid the stranded citizens of Syria.

Bernie Takes The Lead As The Presidential Front-runner For The Democratic Party

As Bernie Sanders takes the lead in polls in Iowa barely topping out Hillary (40% to Bernies 41%) he is becoming the presidential forerunner for the democratic party. As Hillary has tried to apologize for the use of her private email accounts Bernie has been steadily sweeping her supporters out from under her as she continuously got lashed out against by the republicans.

Friday, September 11, 2015


1.  Federalism,  mode of political organization that unites separate states or other polities within an overarching political system in such a way as to allow each to maintain its own fundamental political integrity. 
2.  195 nation states are in all types of different countries around the world.
3.  25,Of the eight largest countries in the world by area, seven—Russia, Canada, the United States, Brazil, Australia, India, and Argentina—are organized on a federal basis. (China, the third largest, is a unitary state.) Federal countries also include Austria, Germany, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Switzerland, and Venezuela
4. These countries have a larger landmass comparatively than the rest of the countries in the world.
5.Unitary system, a system of political organization in which most or all of the governing power resides in a centralized government. It contrasts with a federal system.
6.More than 150 have a unitary government, the largest of these are France, China, Japan, United Kingdom and Sweden, Italy.
7.In a unitary government the main government controls everything so this takes pressure off of the lower level government to make hard decisions, but in this type of government it is a lot easier for power to be bought and bribed thus resulting in more corruption. The federal government is a type of government that allows states to reside underneath one political scheme whilst still having  a say in government affairs, but i this type of government it takes longer to enact policies and laws. 
8.It depicts federalism in a bad light saying that even though states think they have power the government is still controlling and manipulating them into decisions. State want so to have it both ways.

9.This cartoon depicts that the federal government as a bad thing that uses there power against the helpless on small issues on individuals that are already suffering.

10.This one depicts the government as saying things they will allow,states having power, but when states ask for small appeals the government will not allow them to make the change.

11.That federalist government is like a three tiered cake and explains how the national government handles foreign affairs while the local government handles minuscule community  and state things. Then explains how government supplies public education and  national parks.

12.It is different from the example in the video because the two parts of government are combined together in a swirl and then instead of different layers it is the same pattern of teamwork happening again and again in the same repeating pattern.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Guatemala President Resigns Amid Corruption Probe

The president of Guatemala is resigning today amid a public scandal of corruption including him and his fellow party members. The 65 year old president Perez Molina is awaiting the approval and name of a new president before he can officially resign.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Iran's supreme leader calls for parliamentary vote on nuclear pact, lifting of all sanctions

Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei stated Thursday that the Iranian parliament should vote on a nuclear accord with the western powers so the sanctions against his country can be lifted, just a day after Obama stated that he would not be blocked by opponents of the deal.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Democratic Party Adopts $15/hour Minimum Wage
Hoping to appeal to the greater masses of the common people the democratic party has shifted one of the major goals of their platform in order to raise the minimum wage of all jobs saying that people need more money in order to sustain and live in America at this point in time.

Huge protests in Japan over new security bills

The new security bills implemented by their prime minister Abe have not been taken to well  by the Japanese and they have held over 300 rallies against the defense bills. These demonstration were the biggest since the radioactive disaster in Fukushima.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Sanders Huge Political Rallies

Sanders started out as a candidate that was not well known and had a very small following. Three months later he is pulling in the largest crowds out of any presidential candidate and looks as if he is not slowing down. He is polling well in New Hampshire with a 36%  and seems to be taking the lead in many other states. This is possible by his large technological following on media sites such as Reddit, that allows him to communicate and pull the masses to his rallies.

John Oliver Calls For End To LGBT Discrimination

The host of "Last Week Tonight" on HBO, John Oliver, is calling for an end to the discrimination against the LGBT community. He called to attention the  blatant discrimination that is happening around the country. Now that same sex marriage is legal it is ever important for Americans to stop viewing the LGBT community as sub human and allow them to choose who they want to be without the repercussions that could follow this major decision.

Jeb Bush Makes MIllions By Bankrupting Pension Funds

Jeb Bush used pensions in order to make millions for himself. Not only is this embarrassing but it shows that the governor of Florida does not care for his people and uses them for his own benefit, thus questioning his aptitude to be a governor or maybe even the president.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Six Companies Own 90% of the US media

These companies own 90% of the social media and media surrounding them. This influences how the general public sees and perceives all the stigmas about about them and allows them to manipulate media to paint them favorably. This is not good for the general populace as fair and unbiased information is not being fed to the public, but information that is made to show how these companies are supposedly doing everything they can to undermine people and promote themselves.

State Department confirms Hillary Clinton email violated no laws or policies

Hilary Clintons use of personal emails for public matters has been stated at not having broken any laws or policies put in place by the government. As this has not broken any laws she cannot be held accountable for the mounds of information, that may have been illegal, deleted from her personal accounts. Not only is this not showing full discretion to the public but it is undermining Americas right to know how and what our government officials are thinking and deciding.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Russians Way Of Living On Decline Since The Beginning Of Vladimir V. Putin's reign.
The Russian people are finding it harder and harder to meet their basic needs as one of the worst slumps in the economy since the 1990's is taking hold. This is the first time in the 15 year reign of Vladimir Putin that the Russian quality of living has been on a steady decline for an increasing amount of time. This economic stutter is being overshadowed by the Russians involvement in Ukraine and their continuing political and military pressuring on their western border, thus prompting some Russians to take into question their leaders ability as shown in this following statement taken from the article, “Honestly, we are so proud he is our president,” said Vyacheslav, 75, a retired factory manager, who also refused to give his surname, as he steered a mostly empty grocery cart through a Kopeika supermarket here last week. “Thanks to him, we have all of this,” he said, gesturing toward a glass display case of beet and potato salads, fried eggplant and pieces of chicken.Then he called his wife to tell her that they were out of the cheapest hot dogs.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Female Kurdish fighters combating ISIS in Syria

A group of women Kurdish fighters have risen up to combat the Islamic state (ISIS) in their home of Syria. After the Islamic state said that all women were just objects to be used, enslaved and raped, these women took up arms to stand for their fellow women as well as their way of life. Not only are they fighting for their way of life and their homes, they are fighting for their country, and all the women who are being abused by the ISIS militants and showing them that women are not objects to be used, they are people to be reckoned with, just as much as any man.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Edward Snowdens, Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange's Lasting Impact On Modern Day American Society.

All three of these Americans in some way or another sacrificed their personal freedom in order to allow the general populace to understand the restrictions on Americans so called 'freedom'. These people leaked critical documents that uncovered the practices that the government was using in order to extract any and all information from American citizens thus invading their personal privacy and violating the right to every ones freedom. These sculptures were made to symbolize the courage and true patriotism necessary to act in the interest of the common people without thought of self and the possibility of sacrificing your freedoms, so that everyone could maintain theirs.