Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Americans And TV News
Interesting Facts:
-Local news reaches more viewers.
-While more people tune into local news networks cable viewers spend the most amount of time watching their network on average.
-All of this data was collected in a month so it could fluctuate and require more research.
-More than half of people that watch Fox and MSNBC also tune into CNN.
-Most people only tune into cable for an average of 25 minutes a day.(need real news on constantly than)
-Over 58% of adults watch local and network news,
-Disparity between news viewing on different platforms.
-The greatest overlap occurs between local and network newscasts, which often are on the same channel.
-Their are surprisingly heavy crossovers from the viewing of all 3 networks.
-Same crossover happens online but to a smaller percentage of adults across the board.

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