Sunday, August 23, 2015

Russians Way Of Living On Decline Since The Beginning Of Vladimir V. Putin's reign.
The Russian people are finding it harder and harder to meet their basic needs as one of the worst slumps in the economy since the 1990's is taking hold. This is the first time in the 15 year reign of Vladimir Putin that the Russian quality of living has been on a steady decline for an increasing amount of time. This economic stutter is being overshadowed by the Russians involvement in Ukraine and their continuing political and military pressuring on their western border, thus prompting some Russians to take into question their leaders ability as shown in this following statement taken from the article, “Honestly, we are so proud he is our president,” said Vyacheslav, 75, a retired factory manager, who also refused to give his surname, as he steered a mostly empty grocery cart through a Kopeika supermarket here last week. “Thanks to him, we have all of this,” he said, gesturing toward a glass display case of beet and potato salads, fried eggplant and pieces of chicken.Then he called his wife to tell her that they were out of the cheapest hot dogs.

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