Monday, November 16, 2015

Largest Protests in South Korea Since 2008

"People are angry with President Park Geun-Hye for a variety of reasons. -Starting in 2017, the government will only allow middle and high schools to use a single government written history textbook. People are worried that her father's history will be white washed and paint that the militarist dictatorship was fine. That it was ok to take away democratic rights. -People are angry that policies are being pushed by the president where it makes it easier to fire people and take away worker's rights. Also, policies that only benefit the rich. -Graduated college students have a high unemployment rate. About 410,000 youth in their 20s are currently unemployed. (total population of South Korea stands at about 50 million). -Farmers are angry about the falling price of rice. -People are also angry that she leaves the country every time there is a protest. She lacks action when it comes to national events such as a Sewol Ferry disaster."

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