Thursday, January 7, 2016

Exploring Congress; How It Works

Bill Studied:
Colorado Senate Member:
Colorado Delegation:

This site gives you a view into the inner workings of congress that allow you to see any house or senate member or bill and who is responsible for them. The report card user allows us to view how the specific person we chose compared to the rest of the people in that house. For example i chose Michael Bennett, who comparatively was one of the worst people in the democratic party as well as in the selection of senators is used to grade him. He had zero to no positive things about his report card all being negative to him and his ideology. I also learned that the other house and senate members were more mixed within Colorado as they all had different things they excelled in and things they fell short in, this pertained to both parties. As for the bills passed within the government they all fluctuated in length but seemed to be written as concisely as was possible to still convey a message. They were very in depth but i did not expect to see so many new bills being passed each month within the government.
Senator Michael Bennet; You cant trust this smirk to do your state any good.

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