Friday, August 28, 2015

Sanders Huge Political Rallies

Sanders started out as a candidate that was not well known and had a very small following. Three months later he is pulling in the largest crowds out of any presidential candidate and looks as if he is not slowing down. He is polling well in New Hampshire with a 36%  and seems to be taking the lead in many other states. This is possible by his large technological following on media sites such as Reddit, that allows him to communicate and pull the masses to his rallies.

John Oliver Calls For End To LGBT Discrimination

The host of "Last Week Tonight" on HBO, John Oliver, is calling for an end to the discrimination against the LGBT community. He called to attention the  blatant discrimination that is happening around the country. Now that same sex marriage is legal it is ever important for Americans to stop viewing the LGBT community as sub human and allow them to choose who they want to be without the repercussions that could follow this major decision.

Jeb Bush Makes MIllions By Bankrupting Pension Funds

Jeb Bush used pensions in order to make millions for himself. Not only is this embarrassing but it shows that the governor of Florida does not care for his people and uses them for his own benefit, thus questioning his aptitude to be a governor or maybe even the president.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Six Companies Own 90% of the US media

These companies own 90% of the social media and media surrounding them. This influences how the general public sees and perceives all the stigmas about about them and allows them to manipulate media to paint them favorably. This is not good for the general populace as fair and unbiased information is not being fed to the public, but information that is made to show how these companies are supposedly doing everything they can to undermine people and promote themselves.

State Department confirms Hillary Clinton email violated no laws or policies

Hilary Clintons use of personal emails for public matters has been stated at not having broken any laws or policies put in place by the government. As this has not broken any laws she cannot be held accountable for the mounds of information, that may have been illegal, deleted from her personal accounts. Not only is this not showing full discretion to the public but it is undermining Americas right to know how and what our government officials are thinking and deciding.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Russians Way Of Living On Decline Since The Beginning Of Vladimir V. Putin's reign.
The Russian people are finding it harder and harder to meet their basic needs as one of the worst slumps in the economy since the 1990's is taking hold. This is the first time in the 15 year reign of Vladimir Putin that the Russian quality of living has been on a steady decline for an increasing amount of time. This economic stutter is being overshadowed by the Russians involvement in Ukraine and their continuing political and military pressuring on their western border, thus prompting some Russians to take into question their leaders ability as shown in this following statement taken from the article, “Honestly, we are so proud he is our president,” said Vyacheslav, 75, a retired factory manager, who also refused to give his surname, as he steered a mostly empty grocery cart through a Kopeika supermarket here last week. “Thanks to him, we have all of this,” he said, gesturing toward a glass display case of beet and potato salads, fried eggplant and pieces of chicken.Then he called his wife to tell her that they were out of the cheapest hot dogs.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Female Kurdish fighters combating ISIS in Syria

A group of women Kurdish fighters have risen up to combat the Islamic state (ISIS) in their home of Syria. After the Islamic state said that all women were just objects to be used, enslaved and raped, these women took up arms to stand for their fellow women as well as their way of life. Not only are they fighting for their way of life and their homes, they are fighting for their country, and all the women who are being abused by the ISIS militants and showing them that women are not objects to be used, they are people to be reckoned with, just as much as any man.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Edward Snowdens, Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange's Lasting Impact On Modern Day American Society.

All three of these Americans in some way or another sacrificed their personal freedom in order to allow the general populace to understand the restrictions on Americans so called 'freedom'. These people leaked critical documents that uncovered the practices that the government was using in order to extract any and all information from American citizens thus invading their personal privacy and violating the right to every ones freedom. These sculptures were made to symbolize the courage and true patriotism necessary to act in the interest of the common people without thought of self and the possibility of sacrificing your freedoms, so that everyone could maintain theirs.