Sunday, February 28, 2016

Federal Court System

Huntsville is in United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama , Eleventh Circuit

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Obama and 5 questions about his presidency.

1.What was Obamas idea when bringing healthcare and  the stimulus package to the united states?
2.How did he improve Americas foreign image?
3.How has he continually combated terrorism?
4.Foreign sanctions during his presidency?
5.How he helped the auto industry survive and thrive?

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Reflection-Gabe Menchaca

The beginning of this semester felt like the last but with an increase in the amount of inherent knowledge that i retained and or knew now. Yet, as it progressed i felt the end of school looming and therefore have started to become complacent with my work over the past few assignments. As I felt this happening i struck a deal with myself to learn as much as possible and anything that was necessary to prepare me for the final exam in May. I have begun to care less and less about my grades in classes cumulatively and have wanted to start focusing on the learning aspect more. I believe this is a great way to think and i have been less stressed these past few weeks than ever, even with track and field dominating the majority of my time outside of school. I also believe that the sudden ramp up of pressure/hard-tests in AP Gov will allow me to tweak the finite process of test taking to one that benefits me and the way I think the most. Also with quizzes and such it is making me think on my feet about things I will not have known the whole way, thus provoking me to make quick, educated decisions on questions that would have stumped me first quarter.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Political Barbeque

Earmark-Congressional directive that funds should be spent on a specific project.
Word origin-1590s, "to identify by an earmark," from earmark (n.). Meaning "to set aside money for a special purpose" is attested by 1868. Also the process of marking cattle. Earmarks got banned in 2011 after complaints about the bridge to nowhere, banned by the republican party. Congress would use this term to describe processes of allocating funds.

Logrolling- The practice of exchanging favors

Pork barrell spending is a “metaphor for the appropriation of government spending for localized projects secured solely or primarily to bring money to a representative's district. The usage originated in American English. In election campaigns, the term is used in derogatory fashion to attack opponents.”

“One of the most famous alleged pork-barrel projects was the Big Dig in Boston, Massachusetts. The Big Dig was a project to relocate an existing 3.5-mile (5.6 km) section of the interstate highway system underground. It ended up costing$14.6 billion, or over $4 billion per mile. Tip O'Neill (D-Mass), after whom one of the Big Dig tunnels was named, pushed to have the Big Dig funded by the federal government while he was the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives.
During the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign, the Gravina Island Bridge (also known as the "Bridge to Nowhere") in Alaska was cited as an example of pork barrel spending. The bridge, pushed for by Republican Senator Ted Stevens, was projected to cost $398 million and would connect the island's 50 residents and the Ketchikan International Airport to Revillagigedo Island and Ketchikan”

Logrolling- Vote trading by legislative members to obtain passage of action of interest to each legislative member. The first known use of the term was by Congressman Davy Crockett, who said on the floor in 1835, "my people don't like me to log-roll in their business, and vote away pre-emption rights to fellows in other states that never kindle a fire on their own land."

Grand Finale: Log rolling can be used to support earmarks which can be referred to as pork barreling when it is seen as unnecessary government expenditures.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Exploring Congress; How It Works

Bill Studied:
Colorado Senate Member:
Colorado Delegation:

This site gives you a view into the inner workings of congress that allow you to see any house or senate member or bill and who is responsible for them. The report card user allows us to view how the specific person we chose compared to the rest of the people in that house. For example i chose Michael Bennett, who comparatively was one of the worst people in the democratic party as well as in the selection of senators is used to grade him. He had zero to no positive things about his report card all being negative to him and his ideology. I also learned that the other house and senate members were more mixed within Colorado as they all had different things they excelled in and things they fell short in, this pertained to both parties. As for the bills passed within the government they all fluctuated in length but seemed to be written as concisely as was possible to still convey a message. They were very in depth but i did not expect to see so many new bills being passed each month within the government.
Senator Michael Bennet; You cant trust this smirk to do your state any good.

China Shuts down Stock Market Briefly

After a 7% loss in fifteen minutes within their stock market China is trying to recuperate and quell fears of a crash within their economic system. A mere month after their decision in December to remain with their current country plan China is trying to flood money into the infrastructure and economy in order to stay afloat.

California Gun Statute

A law will go into effect the first day of the new year that will allow police officers to petition to take away guns from people that they deem are dangerous to the well being of others. This could be considered both a bad and good thing is it allows the local government to control and make sure the guns are not in the wrong hands but it may also intrude on peoples freedom and may also make people think the government is trying to control their daily lives by restricting their use of firearms. Anyways it will be exciting to see how this new law plays out.