Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Criminal probe opened into Volkswagen, stock plunges

Stock for the German car-making company have plunged after  a probe was launched into the investigation of them rigging 482,000 cars to beat emission tests. There can possibly be up to tow class action lawsuits against Volkswagen within the next two years.

Peanut Pathogens

A federal judge has sentences 61 year old peanut company executive Stewart Parnell to 28 years in prison as he allowed a shipment he knew was plagued with Salmonella to be shipped and sold to consumers living in the Unites States.

Amid refugee crisis, U.S.-led war on Islamic State escalating

As the crisis is reaching a peak, the western governments are reaching a consensus to redouble their efforts in an attempt to destroy the so called "Islamic State". As the fighting within Syria has become bloodier and bloodier westerners are being pushed into action in order to combat this.

Saudi Arabia Sentences Young Activist To Die By Crucifixion


The newly appointed head of UN humanities, Saudi Arabia, is about to crucify and behead a 21 year old because of "illegally Protesting" the government. He is targeted as his uncle is an active skeptic of the Saudi Arabian government and therefore his nephew will pay the price for simply speaking his mind against the tyrannical government that resides over them.

Republicans to break rank with party leaders in call for climate change action

 Almost a dozen members of the Republican party have broken ranks and finally acknowledged that human activities are effecting climate change. This little tussle within the party is happening weeks before the pope comes to DC to visit. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Colorado Just Became the First State Ever to Generate More Taxes from Marijuana than Alcohol


As the legalization of Marijuana has boomed the taxes raked in by Colorado has surpassed those of alcohol marking a huge shift in the economics of recreational narcotics. Colorado collected over $70 million in taxes while alcohol only raked in $42 million. This discovery will impact how othr states view this type of substance and may change the minds of  a few and spark a revolt for recreational drugs among all states in the Unite Staes of America.

Jeb Bush's Tax Cuts


A new study has shown that more than 53% of Jeb's tax cuts would be for the upper 1% of Americans and big corporations, thus challenging his talks about wanting to help the lower and middle class.

Australian Cartoon On The Refugee Crisis

This cartoon depict show the European nations are all running in the water to save the Syrians whilst the larger nation, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Qatar sit around doing nothing to aid the stranded citizens of Syria.

Bernie Takes The Lead As The Presidential Front-runner For The Democratic Party


As Bernie Sanders takes the lead in polls in Iowa barely topping out Hillary (40% to Bernies 41%) he is becoming the presidential forerunner for the democratic party. As Hillary has tried to apologize for the use of her private email accounts Bernie has been steadily sweeping her supporters out from under her as she continuously got lashed out against by the republicans.

Friday, September 11, 2015


1.  Federalism,  mode of political organization that unites separate states or other polities within an overarching political system in such a way as to allow each to maintain its own fundamental political integrity. 
2.  195 nation states are in all types of different countries around the world.
3.  25,Of the eight largest countries in the world by area, seven—Russia, Canada, the United States, Brazil, Australia, India, and Argentina—are organized on a federal basis. (China, the third largest, is a unitary state.) Federal countries also include Austria, Germany, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Switzerland, and Venezuela
4. These countries have a larger landmass comparatively than the rest of the countries in the world.
5.Unitary system, a system of political organization in which most or all of the governing power resides in a centralized government. It contrasts with a federal system.
6.More than 150 have a unitary government, the largest of these are France, China, Japan, United Kingdom and Sweden, Italy.
7.In a unitary government the main government controls everything so this takes pressure off of the lower level government to make hard decisions, but in this type of government it is a lot easier for power to be bought and bribed thus resulting in more corruption. The federal government is a type of government that allows states to reside underneath one political scheme whilst still having  a say in government affairs, but i this type of government it takes longer to enact policies and laws. 
8.It depicts federalism in a bad light saying that even though states think they have power the government is still controlling and manipulating them into decisions. State want so to have it both ways.

9.This cartoon depicts that the federal government as a bad thing that uses there power against the helpless on small issues on individuals that are already suffering.

10.This one depicts the government as saying things they will allow,states having power, but when states ask for small appeals the government will not allow them to make the change.

11.That federalist government is like a three tiered cake and explains how the national government handles foreign affairs while the local government handles minuscule community  and state things. Then explains how government supplies public education and  national parks.

12.It is different from the example in the video because the two parts of government are combined together in a swirl and then instead of different layers it is the same pattern of teamwork happening again and again in the same repeating pattern.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Guatemala President Resigns Amid Corruption Probe


The president of Guatemala is resigning today amid a public scandal of corruption including him and his fellow party members. The 65 year old president Perez Molina is awaiting the approval and name of a new president before he can officially resign.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Iran's supreme leader calls for parliamentary vote on nuclear pact, lifting of all sanctions


Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei stated Thursday that the Iranian parliament should vote on a nuclear accord with the western powers so the sanctions against his country can be lifted, just a day after Obama stated that he would not be blocked by opponents of the deal.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Democratic Party Adopts $15/hour Minimum Wage

Hoping to appeal to the greater masses of the common people the democratic party has shifted one of the major goals of their platform in order to raise the minimum wage of all jobs saying that people need more money in order to sustain and live in America at this point in time.

Huge protests in Japan over new security bills


The new security bills implemented by their prime minister Abe have not been taken to well  by the Japanese and they have held over 300 rallies against the defense bills. These demonstration were the biggest since the radioactive disaster in Fukushima.